Monday 22 February 2010

Day 25

Well it's coming up for two weeks now and I'm still not smoking.

It's a kind of weird situation really because in every way I feel exactly the same as the smoker that started this blog three weeks ago only now I'm not smoking whilst I type. In my mind I had it one of two ways. I'd get to this stage, have given up, and be feeling great and glowing or, I'd get to this stage and be confined to a padded cell with a straight jacket and a drip pouring concentrated nicotine directly in to my veins. It's a bit of an anti climax really to be nearly two weeks in and only moderately annoyed that I'm not smoking. Worse still if someone said we'll stop the experiment tomorrow I'd have a ciggy lit faster than they could blink. It's almost as if my brains allowing the non smoking based on the fact that it's some sort of temporary fix. Lets hope that I get over it because it's a bit pointless to just wait ten weeks till I can smoke. That was never the point of this exercise.

So here I am on my fourth week of Champix rabbiting on about the lack of real explosive effect whilst Jo took the first of the initiation pills and ended up spaced out, half asleep and nauseous. We've got the whole spectrum in one blog. How did Champix ever find a consistent sample group in order to get released? I've got minimal effect, Kerry quits within days and Jo's so wasted that even driving becomes a concern. Jo, don't start mucking about with the doses without running it past a doc first. Some people do report results with half doses whilst others need to try another method and accept Champix isn't for them. I'm not a big fan of NRT but I did watch a program where they had pretty good success using a combination of 24 hour patches and an inhalator. The thing with Champix is that it not only takes a while to take hold of your system but it can also take days to clear your system. If Champix isn't for you and you persist with it you could feel ill for days past actually taking the pills.

I've got to make an appointment with my doc this week too. Think she just wants to see if I turn up, knuckles scraping the pavement dragging a blood soaked axe behind me or if breeze in sniffing the flowers and complementing her on her choice of perfume. Either way she's going to be disappointed.

I'm afraid there isn't much happening tonight so I'll sign off but I've got a few situations arising this week that can't be handled with my trusty shield of smoke so stick with it and we'll see where we end up by Friday.


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