Tuesday 9 February 2010

Day 12

For goodness sake I wish I could get that 'Time Stopped' clock right. I had the date set as Thursday because that's day 14 but it should actually start from Friday because that's the first day that I shouldn't smoke at all (you're allowed to smoke for the first 14 days). For reasons that you'll understand in a moment the extra day probably isn't that important but I like these things to be right.

OK so why might the quit date not matter so much? Well as I write this at 23.22 I have smoked only five cigarettes all day. That's right the 40 a day dedicated smoker has only had five cigarettes all day. I got up at 7.15am and did not have a cig until 12.15 when I went on lunch. I had another at 1pm at the end of lunch and then went straight through till I got home at 5pm before having another (although then I had 2). The last one I had was while the wife was out with the dog at 7pm and I haven't had one since although I'm going to have one now taking the daily total to six.

Now you have to admit that that's pretty good. It may not be the complete quit that we are aiming for but it's a pretty drastic reduction. Just last week I was saying that if I could get to ten a day I would succeed and here I am at 6. Also today I was working with the same smoker as yesterday and I actually went outside when he did but didn't smoke. That's either very weird or quite cool. What do you think?

I'm worried about tomorrow though because so far it's been one really good day followed by a bad day. Tomorrow I should look to smoke less than today but we'll wait and see how that goes.

It's beginning to look like non smoking could take place at any time now folks. Don't give up on it yet.

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