Sunday 21 February 2010

Day 24:

Hey folks. First up I'm pleased to say that I still haven't killed my desktop PC. On a less upbeat note I still haven't recovered all the stuff I'm after from the old drive yet either although I did get some stuff today and will hopefully get some more tomorrow night. I am however writing the blog once again on the laptop. Why? Because earlier on when I sat down in front of the desktop I spilled a can of beer almost directly into the keyboard. One half of the keys don't seem to want to respond at all whilst the others type between three and five characters at a time and not necessarily the ones that I wanted. Tempted to smoke?.....I sorely was.

Next I wanted to say hello to Jo who is on day one of the adventure that is Champix. Jo left a comment on the Day 2 blog and another on yesterdays. Thanks again because I love comments, especially just now when I don't have a wild amount to report except the number of days that I haven't smoked and how I miss smoking.

I do however have to question whether Jo's sudden tiredness three hours after pill number 1 is related to champix or whether it could be something to do with the fact that, three hours before the first comment, would have been 5am in the morning here in the UK. Of course this is the World Wide Web so Jo could really be anywhere. I am also ignoring the fact that Jo may work shifts and keep separate hours from the rest of us. I enjoy the detective work though. Keeps my mind off smoking.

Anyway Jo the good news is that you are not much more than two weeks away from a serious chance of stopping smoking. Like you I had read all the horror stories about Champix online however the one thing that I did notice that everyone had in common was that they stopped smoking. OK some of them stopped breathing, some are in jail whilst others are looking for good divorce lawyers but all of them successfully stopped smoking whilst on Champix. Hopefully your nowhere near as hopeless an addict as me and find that your experience is more like Kerry Bee's (which does seem to be the more common reaction).

As for me, I'm still not smoking which is nothing short of miraculous. I'm not feeling sudden bursts of Ecstasy nor am I considering signing up with a gym but I'm not smoking. I'm also not suffering any side effects good or bad.

If you'd like to join me tomorrow I'll give you more insights into my smoke free world. This may go something along the lines of '11 days and still no cigs' but there's always the chance that something could happen and a whole different story could unfold.

If you don't come back tomorrow you'll never know

1 comment:

  1. Well done.
    Yesterdays day 1 was quite awful. As the day went along, my tiredness became almost unbearable and by evening I had the worst headache ever. It was the Champix, I am sure, and must be ultra strong for me, as I only had 2 smokes in the evening and did not enjoy either one. That was one pill. imagine after 2 weeks when I am on the double twice a day...lord have mercy.
    So today I did not take one, I am still floating from yesterday. I will start again when I have a few days where I don't need to drive and no-one requires my attention. I may try half a pill, this could be the cause of the problems others have and the reason why you got no reaction initially.
    As for my time, I do not hover about all night long...I am 4 hours ahead of you.
    If you continue blogging then I may give you some insight into my location. It may even be slightly more interesting than counting your non smoking days. Great blog dude.



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