Wednesday 10 February 2010

Day 13

So could unlucky day 13 really beat day 12? Well yes and no.

From getting up at 7.15 to returning home around 5.15 I smoked the princely sum of precisely one cigarette. Between getting home and going to bed however I have had five or six. Why? Because today is really the second last day that I can so I decided, as a wee treat, I would enjoy it. Especially as I had the excuse of watching TV in my office because the footy was on.

Tomorrow the challenge is to get through the working day with absolutely no cigarettes and then I'll maybe allow my self a few at night again as Friday is NO SMOKING DAY. It's not so much Friday that scares me. I'm actually pretty confident about that one. It's Saturday, Sunday, Monday etc. If I succeed I'm at true risk of being a non smoker.

To be honest I don't think I'll ever really consider myself a non smoker. If people ask I think I'll steal a term from the Alcoholics and call myself a 'recovering smoker'. I honestly don't think I'll ever be much more than one drag away from a 40 a day habit. It will just get easier through time I suppose. I certainly won't become one of those smug Nazi anti smoking ex smokers that talks about the disgusting smell and bursts in to fits of coughing even before a cigarette is lit. (If you ask me they need to get their lungs looked at if they can't even be in the proximity of cigarette smoke in the open air. Exhaust fumes might just kill them, hopefully.)

Today I took the step of picking up the second part of my prescription. Not that the doc had no faith in me but she told me not to collect it until I thought that I would really go through with it. So that's me got four more weeks worth of Champix sitting in the cupboard. If it doesn't work out I can always sell it on ebay.

Anyway, That will do for now. I'll post again tomorrow but the adrenaline junkies will just have to wait till Friday night to see if it really can become Extreme Quittin

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