Sunday 14 February 2010

Day 17

First things first. If you haven't already done so you should look at Kerry's comments on day 16. What Kerry proves is that Champix is different for everyone. To be honest what Kerry writes seems more like what most people tell me happens. Your brain just stops having the urge to smoke and then all you have to do is stop lighting cigarettes whenever you get the opportunity.

For me it's not been just quite so straight forward. Smoking hasn't made me feel sick and Champix hasn't quite succeeded in killing that urge in my brain. That doesn't mean that it isn't working however. Believe it or not that's me through my third smoke free day. It may be a bit painful but it is working. Who knows, maybe a week from now, I'll be get to the same stage as Kerry. In the meantime I now have the cleanest car in the UK because washing it gave me something to think about other than smoking.

Also, when I say that Champix hasn't killed the urge in me it has reduced it by more than half so I'm not spending all day wishing I could smoke which is what I would be doing without the Champix. In fact, who am I kidding, without the Champix I'd have smoked at least twenty today and still have thought I was doing well. I guess there's just a price to pay for being such a committed smoker.

Back to my normal place of work tomorrow. That means I'll spend all day getting asked how I feel about not smoking. Funny thing coming from a guy that keeps a blog about smoking but I'd rather not have to talk about it all day. It just makes me think about it and then I want to go for one. Not to worry. Every day from now on should get just a little bit easier.

So...By lunchtime tomorrow I'll have gone half a week without a cigarette. That's maybe only the third or fourth time since before I was a teenager that I'll have managed that. It would be a real shame to blow it now. Stay with me now to see if I make it or if all my good work goes up on smoke. More tomorrow.


  1. Lucky old Kerry Bee - i wish it had worked that way for me!! i always still had the cravings!!

    I have tried to stop 2 or 3 times and it has never been easy for me!!

    However, your progress is encouraging me to try again!! i am thinkin about seeing the Doctor to try and get the tablets - so keep up the good work, you are doing much better than i ever did!!

    Jamie T

  2. Hi there... me again
    I had my 2 week check up this morning. Did the smokealyser test , gone from 20 down to 1 !!!
    I can not explain how good that felt. Last time I felt that proud was for an exam result !

    Been prescribed another 2 weeks worth of Champix :)

    Today I've notice a bit of a cough creeping up on me, and also a bit of a scratchy throat. The doctor warned me about this. I bought some honey and lemon sweets to sooth my throat.

    Still the same as before, hardly any cravings at all.

    Hope work went well for you today. My collegues are very supportive and just think it's great that I've got this far. They are all NON smokers weirdly enough !

    Catch up soon. Keep at it - another day done!

    :) Kerry



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