Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Day 5

Not a lot I can say today

Had a deep sleep with absolutely no idea of dreaming. Went to bed about 12.15 and the alarm went off at 6.45. Snoozed the alarm until the hotel ordered alarm went off at seven. Now, like many smokers, all I need of a morning is about 5 cigs and a good coffee. Because I was in the hotel (and it was busy outside so I couldn't get away with smoking out the window) I didn't have a morning fag till about eight. Surprisingly this didn't worry me too much.

I'm beginning to think that the champix is actually working on the addiction but not affecting the habit. It's almost as if I go for a smoke because I can as opposed to smoking because my brain is screaming for the nicotine. i.e. It's teabreak so I can smoke as opposed to, I must smoke. I've got the drive home tomorrow (5 hours) and might see how far I can get without stopping just to see how it feels.

It's a bit disappointing but I may not be the best reviewer for Champix as it seriously isn't making it's impact felt on me. If I wasn't experimenting with going without then I could be left completely unaware of the effect that Champix is having. But, watch this space, I haven't tried going without yet and don't feel that I could. In all the stuff I've read online I should expect to have given up before my quit date on Sunday.

Stay hooked folks. There's still work to do here

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