Monday, 12 April 2010

Just quickly

Hi folks

Just wanted to do a very quick update. Zoe is still alive and in the world of not smoking so jump over to her blog and wish her well. Think she might be getting all anti smoker on us though. But, if it works, go with it I say. I also missed the fact that Peets has been on and updated. 13 days smoke free and sounding like it's going well. That's a fantastic achievement.

I really just wanted to let Poet and Kath know that I've got everything crossed for them. Good luck guys. If I can do it you can.

Finally, in a fit of messing around I've added a couple of those google ads that you see everywhere. The idea is that it might be money for nothing although I suspect that it's really a clever ruse to get us all to advertise but that actually very few people make anything from it. Anyway I mention it because I'd like you to let me know if it interferes with the site. If it does I'll take it off. Actually a couple of them look quite interesting but I can't click them because I think they pay by click and I'd get accused of cheating so I'll have to rely on you guys letting me know if they contain anything worth looking at.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone at some point through the week. Good luck to Poet and Kath.

1 comment:

  1. hiya tq~ it is 9pm monday here, so we are still smokers, but tomorrow when we wake, we won't be. i updated a small post on my blog. thanks for all the kind words. you are our mentor. how is that for ya? as you say, stay hooked....well we are, hook line and sinker. have a great evening/day. wherever you are. :) poet & kath.



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