Sunday, 25 April 2010

Day 86

Holy shit. It's getting close to day 100!!!!

So you'd expect someone that hasn't smoked for around 70 days to be completely over the whole smoking vibe? Well actually I still miss it.

Today I was looking for something that required a new battery and discovered the remainders of the last pack of tobacco I ever bought. Don't get me wrong I knew the pack was there because I put it there back on the 24Th of Feb. The point is I've never looked at it since. I've not touched it, not thought about it not even looked in its direction until today. So why did it give me a twinge when I saw it? Truth is it's probably so dried out that it's worthless.

On the other blogs this week folk have mentioned the price of Champix. Here in the UK prescriptions for any meds cost a flat rate of £4. I've never liked that whole vibe about the fact that a ridiculously expensive cure costs less than smoking, but, it does. Yep. Like it or lump it Champix is a cheap alternative to cigs. Can I also point out that I stopped taking the prescription half way through.

The good weather is also trying to make an attempt to become permanent. Somehow it's easier not to smoke on a sunny day.

So now we head in to a new week. For me I'm going to meet the folk from my parent company in Europe that I've been criticising for the last three weeks. This week they head for the UK to see what I've been up to with their training materials. How do I tell them that I started again from scratch? As far as I understand it smoking is obligatory in their country so maybe I just have to offer them a cig before I introduce them to my new materials.

Good luck to Poet and Kath who are stopping smoking as we speak. Good luck to Zoe who has an exam to get behind her. Well done Peets who is just quietly getting on with the whole non smoking thing.

Speak to you during the week folks.

Stay hooked....



  1. hiya TQ. well it is nearly 830pm on day 1. so far so good. i updated blog so won't retype it all here. gonna go back through your blog again. thanks for checkin on us~

  2. hiya TQ, one word, but it is a swear word......beginning with an F. this is hard. argh. there i am ok (ish) now. day 3 sucks bad.
    how are you doing? hope all is well in your world. take care....poet and k.

  3. TQ....we made it to day 5! hip hip hooray~~poet and k. :)



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