OK so now my mums been on my case calling me sexist because apparently her phone can do stuff too. Not that I was ever aware of it because she's never used any of the stuff it can do (apart from filling the memory so full of photos that she had to delete them...downloading them is obviously a bit advanced)but I have been firmly told that it's a very good phone. I'd tell you what type it was but if I asked I'd probably be told 'it's a nice black one' or something like that. Girls, phones, I'm back to the original argument, anything more than text is wasted.
What's in a name?
Anyhow the phone blog for the week is done. This is the other blog. The one about the non smoker. One thing that did occur to me though is a complete opportunity missed. See between the car and the phone I've been having to use forums a bit recently. A lot of these forums don't want to share unless you create a log in. Rather than give them true details I've been using TQuittin.
When I first went to set up a blog about giving up smoking I was all concerned about being anonymous. Rather than give google my real email etc I tried to create a new email address. However as I was doing this through blogger rather than gmail I first created a web address. Tryingtoquitsmokingwithchampix was apparently already taken so I became tquittinwithchampix as suggested by the automatic site thing. So when I had to create an email google actually suggested tquittin.
Now sometimes when things want me to sign up I use tquittin as my log in. I even abbreviate it to TQ but a lot of sites wont accept less than three letters as being a valid name. In these instances I've gone for Tquit as a user name. Don't ask me why it's never occurred to me before but wouldn't Fquit have been so much more fun? Even FQ seems slightly wrong. You might have to say it a few times before you get it. Fquit, fquit fquit. See?
Things have gone deadly quiet on the car front. I suspect this may be good. We were at the stage where I'd accepted a half price service but had asked about the cost of a replacement wheel. That wasn't Friday past but the Friday before. They got back to me the same day to say the service was reserved and that they'd get back to me with prices and answers to another couple of questions. Nothing since. Could it possibly be that he's gone on holiday????? How upset will he be when I copy in his MD querying why I've received no further contact? This wheel could still be mine.

How many of you live somewhere that tourists love but you have never done any of the tourist stuff? I remember being quite stunned last year when we had visitors to our work over from India for about four weeks. At weekends they did stuff like visit London. That's about 600 miles away. For me you'd need a day to drive down, maybe three days to stay and a day to drive back up. Nope, these guys went down on Friday after work and were back at work on Monday. Their cameras suggested that they'd seen all of London. Next weekend they were off to the highlands.
In Britain you are rarely more than 50 miles from the coast and the whole country is about 850 miles from end to end. We forget that in other countries it's possible to live more than 850 miles from the sea. Subsequently we view any distance over about 50 miles as being a road trip.
Anyhow it's not even distance that made me ask about living somewhere tourists love. This week as a reward for a job well done a few of us took a boat trip along the river Clyde from Glasgow city centre to a shopping centre called Braehead. There really hasn't ever been a time I couldn't have done this. It's cheap and you could almost squeeze it into a lunch hour yet, not only I,but all the others had never been on the river that runs through the city. The picture is a picture of the river clyde as it looks in the evening.
It made me think. If someone was to visit and wanted to see the city that I love and call home, would I even be the best person to show them round? The trip was great but then ended with TGI Fridays and boring corporate food that is just about OK. I spend so much of my time, in common with others, getting out of the city that I've forgotten how beautiful it can be to just stay there.
The challenge to you all. Think about how you would show a stranger your place and then do it yourself.
More phones and nonsense next week.
Oh by the way...what about the brushed alluminium background for the blog? I was just experimenting to see what could be done so it will probably change but let me know what you think.
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