OK aside from the car and the iPhone and the smoking.... What else has been happening?
Well I'm sure I mentioned before that, despite not being nearly old enough, we have a caravan that we like to spend our weekends at.
I had booked the Friday and Monday off (one of the reasons I was so determined that I wanted a hire car)so we headed down to the van on Thursday night.
The weather was to be great so I suggested to our neighbours that we go fishing.
Now fishing has been quite a fraught affair for us in the past. We do own a small fishing boat that we share with family however we are hopeless at launching it. I once nearly sunk a car in soft sand and had to be towed out. My step dad is competent at launching the boat but doesn't really do fishing and wants to stay out all day. All we want is to take some beers. Go out on the water. Drop a few lines (we're not fussy if we only catch mackerel whilst all the serious fishers seek Pollock cod and tope and frown on mackerel). We want to have a laugh and a chat for an hour or so then come back in when we've drank all the beers and it's time for a pee.
This time that's exactly how it worked out. We headed out on an afternoon tide on a calm sea in our neighbours boat. He and his brother are kind of serious about the whole business but, they wanted big fish and we said we wanted mackerel. Here's the deal. They stopped for a while till we caught ten or so mackerel then they used three or four for bait so they could chase dog fish. Neither they nor my wife really went for the lager (my wife didn't want to need a pee on a boat full of guys) so I drank it. When I eventually needed a pee I just went to the side of the boat that didn't point into the wind. Given the stresses of the day before with the garage it was the perfect unwind.
More at the weekend
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