Tuesday, 4 May 2010

48 hours

In the next 48 hours the British Public will elect their prime minister. It's very uncertain who will win it this time. Given that we are in a recession that everyone is feeling the pain from a lot of people think that we should keep the established Prime Minister and not risk a new policy whilst others blame precisely that policy for the state that we are in. It is even possible that we could end up with some sort of power sharing agreement. For those who are not in the UK it could mean getting used to a new leader or leaders on the world stage. It's frustrating but it will be over by Friday.

The next 48 hours are also pretty tense for my own little world. The project that I have been on for the last 1.5 months comes to an end. To make a quote in the fashion of one of the more well remembered British Prime Ministers 'Never has any individual wasted so much time on training so few people on such a simple event'. Yet there you have it. Potentially my crowning glory, the project that may define my year has actually, in a lot of ways, seemed completely frustrating and pointless. At another deeper and more political level the project will actually have a major impact and sets up standards for a potentially new way of working on all projects for the foreseeable future. But at the moment the whole thing just frustrates me.

When faced with frustration I'm tempted to think that smoking would somehow make everything better. It wouldn't. It would just give me time to reflect properly on how frustrated I was. It would add further frustrations in to the mix as I would be thinking about smoking and getting frustrated about that when I should be thinking about what I'm going to do. Nope. Since I can't have a smoke I'm going to take a different approach. The next 48 hours are going to be fantastic. I'll be fantastic and hopefully so will the outcome of the election. On a personal level my prospects will improve as a result of my work and on a political level we'll hopefully elect the person who will be the one to lead the country out of recession. It's all good in the hood.

Or is it?......

Stay hooked

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