Monday 1 March 2010

Day 32

Well it's the start of a new week and also a new month. If all goes to plan then by the end of next week I'll be one month (4 weeks) off the cigs and, presuming I make it, March might well be the first completely smoke free calendar month I've had since I was about 19. all sounds good. Just wish I could get my mind off it more permanently. It's fair to say that I think about it a lot less now, I could make it through a working day now without noticing that I'm not smoking, but it still plagues me during the evening.

I think it's worse trying to quit when you work with IT. Computers have the ability to give even non smokers cravings. I think that Microsoft and Apple are secretly owned by Big Tobacco and are meant to create new smokers every hour. Gadgets that never quite do exactly what they should or are capable of doing more than you are capable of getting them to do can only really be managed using either nicotine or violence. I think the drugs used on violent people are much more fun than Champix.

Of course the only thing more annoying than trying to quit when you work with Tech is trying to quit when you work with people. Did I tell you that I train people to use tech? I'm doomed. It's possible that I may successfully quit smoking but what will I do about the Heroine habit that I've developed as a result?

I notice that even after my shameless attempts to drum up some comments yesterday I am once more alone in the World Wide Web. Come on! If you stumble across this blog let me know if you're finding it any tougher than me. I'll offer advice and sympathy although, in all honesty, I just want a comparison so that I can feel that I'm doing better than you.

Until tomorrow......


  1. Hi tquittin, just found your blog today and wanted to thank you for writing it. I'm on day 7 of champix and it sounds to me like I'm having a similar reaction to the drug as you. I can definitely feel it working, I still want to smoke but it's easier to put it off. I would only smoke 15-20 a day and now I probably smoke 10 a day, which is still great, but a far cry from my friend who quit on day 5 because smoking made her feel sick! I know I can and will quit, probably in the next couple of days but, like you, sometimes I think about it and wonder, 'is this reaLly working enough to make me QUIT?!'. The good news is though that I am absolutely determined to quit,so much so that I could do it cold turkey, it's just that now I have a little friend to help me along the way. Keep up the good work, hopefully you'll be saying that to me in a few days!

  2. Must be Day 21....Started tablets on the 26th January, thank goodness your keeping count.

    I was going to write yesterday but had a buzzing headache. Haven't been feeling that great when I take my Champix tablet lately. Best I can describe it is 'feeling strange' so much so, I have thought about coming off them or at least cut down to half a tablet. Funny thing is just got my prescription for the next couple of months.

    But Im not giving up trying to quit, the nicotine is out my system and I do feel better for not smoking.

    I didn't really plan on stopping, it was by accident that I ended up on Champix. My boss had started taken nicotine mint sweets to stop smoking which were prescribe by the doctor and I thought I would give it a go or at least cut down. I made an appointment with the doctor and came out with a prescription for Champix.

    Because giving up using Champix has been so easy compared to other methods I've tried, I don't want to throw in the towel just yet.

    Keep up the good work

    Alison (Jo's pal)

  3. Hello it's Kerry . Ok so now I have been taken OFF the champix due to some adverse side effects. Firstly my gums have been bleeding for about a week, and since my last comment on here, there has been bleeding from somewhere else. A place where the sun does not shine !!! Doctor has told me to stop taking the tablets until the blood tests she has drawn today are back, next Wednesday. I am in week 5 of my course of Champix so we'll see how well I do for the week without them & if the bleeding from both ends (sorry if too much info!!) stops....... I've never had bleeding gums or bums before so it is a bit unsettling. Also have had some stomach aches which doc thinks may be related?? Will update you as the week goes on about any cravings creeping up. I do not intend to smoke and haven't found myself feeling any different yet, to when I took the tablets. I took my last one which was a lower dose of 0.5mg last night.
    Catch up soon. Kerry

    PS: Don't give up , giving up !



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