Tuesday 2 March 2010

Day 33

HI Folks

First things first. Alison, stop taking the Champix and speak to your doctor. please. You've been off the smokes long enough that you could probably go cold turkey and succeed. Especially if there's folk like Jo and your boss round about you trying to quit too. All of the bad stuff you read about Champix starts with headaches and feeling out of sorts. So much so that before I started taking the pills i discussed it with my wife and we agreed that, the first sign of any adverse effects, I'd stop taking the pills. Even if that meant smoking again until I found another way to quit.

Just to be clear. This blog is, first and foremost, about quitting with Champix. Second it's just about quitting. Third it's a place where anyone can succeed, fail or slag off non-smokers and EXPECT to get sympathy. It's quite possibly the only place on earth that will also offer sympathy, where needed, to those who succeed. Think of this like you think of the smokers area at work. A place where smokers aren't the scourge of society and a place where those who do quit can keep in touch with those who don't. This site is not an advert for taking Champix or giving up smoking.

Having said all of the above there's also a comment from someone in the early days of Champix (Day 7). I don't have a name but this lucky person still has seven guilt free days of smoking to go (although you should really start cutting down about now). Tomorrow you start doubling up the dose. For some folk that's when they start to feel a bit sick, if you do then try eating before each pill, I just farted a lot. Keep us posted on your progress and smoke a couple for me before you stop completely.

As for me. Still struggling on against my better judgement. Got my teeth in to a couple of things at work so I'm finding that bit OK but still want a cig when I get home. Still find non-smokers irritate the shit out of me, even more so now, when they are asking if it feels better etc. Of course it feels better for them but I want to smoke. I'm only quitting because one of the very few things I love more than smoking is breathing and recently I was struggling to do both.

I've also now developed a keen sense of smell for smokers. I don't just mean that I can tell if you've just had a cig. I mean I can pretty much pick out who's a smoker and who's not even if I don't know them. It's not unpleasant, in fact it makes me quite envious, but I can now sense smoke.

Could I get any weirder tomorrow? Only one way to find out....

1 comment:

  1. Hello there, it's the girl who commented yesterday here, now on day 8. I thought I'd write something because I decided today may as well be my quit day, as I ran out of smokes and thought what's the point in buying another packet when I'm just planning on quitting in the next couple of days anyway? So I'm now 6 hours in and having some serious cravings. It's quite a struggle, but believe it or not this is the longest time I've willfully gone without a smoke, that in itself is an accomplishment for me. Does it get easier over the next few days? Looking for some inspiration to hang in there.
